Who Do You Say He Is?

Who is God in your life at this very moment?????
The night seems kind of weird to me. I mean God has really been speaking to me. I toke His words with me throughout the day. I am equipped when the time comes to use it in whatever situation may revolt against me during my day or drop it into someone’s atmosphere. God reminded me that somewhere along the way man has forgotten that He is the source of everything. We have found ourselves in consent worry and stress. There are some people that operate more in an emotional pattern of thinking more than a logical way of thinking. We have to keep our spiritual principles in the forefront of our everyday existence. I believe this would keep us on a balanced scale. A prime example is: you’re having a good day on the job until your coworker says something to offend you. Right before that you were thinking about how your check was going to be short; so that meant a bill wasn’t going to get paid. It seems like it was one thing after the other.
One of the best basic principles that we must have in our lives is prayer. Starting your day with prayer will line up your whole day even if something goes wrong. You will still manage to work through the situation without all the emotions. How do I know? The Bible says in Isaiah 26:3 that “He will keep you in perfect peace who mine is stayed on Him.” That simply means that if you stay focused on Jesus, there will nothing that will take your peace. Even when that co-worker tries to offset your mood, you recognize it for what it is, rebuke it and keep going with your day. When you get your check, and realize it is short; As a result, you will not be able to pay past due bills. Instead of “going off”, “snapping”, or even “crying” (because I know it will take us there), we accept that a mistake was made, get it fixed, and allow God to be who He is. Sometimes we are put into positions to see if we REALLY trust God. Again, it goes into basic principles.
There is a message for every believer. We’ve become a nation that has:
Forgotten who God is
Don’t understand who God is
Don’t have faith to believe in God
Too scared to believe in the power of God or receive the Word of God.
People make it harder to know who He is based on religion, but knowing God is not a complicated thing. It’s spiritual. Let’s look at who He is.
God called Himself “I AM”. I am what? God says that “I AM THAT I AM”. In other words, God says His name shall be throughout all eternity, I am what I want to be, when I want to be it, in whatever revelation I choose. In John 8:58, Jesus said unto them, “verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM.” That lets us know right there before anything came, there was God and when everything is gone, there He will still be. Did you missed that? Let me try it this way. Before the storm, He is God and even after the storm has passed over, He is still God. He is God before those troubled children, before that job, before that financial situation, before those health issues, before all this became a part of your life there was God; after these situations are gone, God will still be God. Exodus 3:13-15 And Moses said unto God, “Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name, what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM.” I have list some help below for you to go in further about the “I AM”
the one that will bless you ................................................
Gen. 12:2
the one that will not fail you ..............................................
Josh. 1:5
the one that will heal you...................................................
2 Kings 20:5
the one that will guide you ........ ........................................
Ps. 32:8
the one that will help, strengthen, and uphold you ...........
Isa. 41:10
the one that will hold you ................................................... Isa.42:6
the one that will not forget you ..........................................
Isa. 49:15
the one that will comfort you .............................................
Isa. 66:13
the one that will forgive you ............................................... Jeremiah 31:34
the one that will restore you .............................................. Jeremiah 30:17