Our Founder

Zeta Sigma Phi Sorority, Inc. Online Sorority's founding mother is Candace L. Bowe. After escaping the horrid life of abuse, rebuilding her life, and yielding to the call God placed on her life, Candace realized that there stood no home for women that needed support and relationships that would help them rebuild what was once stolen from them. She realized that there were many women in search of a place that was founded upon the principles of sisterhood and service.
Realizing that giving her testimony would be a challenge, she finally built up the prayers and courage to take on that challenge with…..
Broken and Rebuilt for the Kingdom.
Broken and Rebuilt for the Kingdom tells a story of how she have experienced some of life's most horrifying events. As a result, those events brought her to a low place in life. The beauty of her story shows how God can take people from their lowest point and build them up to a level of hope and freedom. This book illustrated the grace and mercy of God through His love, forgiveness, and protection. Broken and Rebuilt for the Kingdom exposes a lot of issues that we are faced with everyday, but no one wants to talk about. This book shows how she was able to survive child molestation, statutory rape, violent rapes, teen pregnancy, drug addiction, domestic violence, homelessness and many other things only with the help of God. As you read this wonderful testimony, reflect on your life and see the times when God had a hand in your survival.
Because of Candace's course in life, on August 18, 2017, Zeta Sigma Phi Sorority, Inc. was established.
Candace L. Bowe, born Candace LaShawn Terry, was born in Gary, Indiana. She is the middle of six children. Candace has one son, who she absolutely adores. She is a wonderful wife, daughter, sister, and aunt. She is a devoted Evangelist of the Gospel, a true worshiper, and beautiful psalmist. Prophetess Candace L. Bowe currently holds an Associate Degree in Ministry; as she is pursuing her Bachelor Degree, she is also enrolled in The School of Prophets obtaining her Doctoral Degree. She was ordained as a minster in the Overcoming Church of God organization in 2008. In 2009, Candace was ordained Evangelist by Bishop Lorenzo Henderson of Chicago, Illinois. Not only does she believe in the power of evangelism, Candace operates in the gift and office of the prophetic. She believes in Apostolic order and the five-fold ministry.